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Even if it ends with る, it may be a group 1 うverb.


This is how you can identify the Japanese verb group.

Step1: Check whether the verb is the irregular verb(くる/する) or not.

The followings are also irregular verbs. They are considered single verbs; however, they are a combination of two words (compound verbs). Please pay attention.



Step2: Check whether the verb has Ru-ending or not.

Non-Ru-ending? Then, the verb is Group1! (e.g.,いく、かう、まつ )

Ru-ending? Go to Step3

Step3: Check whether the verb is Special Ru-ending Group1 verbs or not.

You just have to memories they are Group1.

いるneed, かえる go home, きる cut, しゃべる chat, しる know, はいる enter, はしる run, へる decrease

Step4: Check the sound before Ru.

If it is a-Ru, u-Ru, or o-Ru, then it is Group1

(e.g.,すわる、なる、かぶる、ふとる、とる、のる )

If it is i-Ru or e-Ru, it is Group 2.

(e.g., みる、たべる)

You can check your understandings.

Which verb is Group1 (U) Verb? Please select.

If the answer turns blue, it means that your answer was correct!

If the answer turns red, it means that your answer was incorrect.

Good luck!

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